Arwen, Mortal Queen (ltr) (742) / Poster Foil
Andúril, Flame of the West (ltr) (746) / Poster Foil
Storm of Saruman (ltr) (733) / Poster Foil
Glamdring (ltr) (747) / Poster Foil
Palantír of Orthanc (ltr) (749) / Poster Foil
Radagast the Brown (ltr) (740) / Poster Foil
Dawn of a New Age (ltr) (731) / Poster Foil
Witch-king of Angmar (ltr) (736) / Poster Foil
Hew the Entwood (ltr) (737) / Poster Foil
Shadow of the Enemy (ltr) (735) / Poster Foil
The One Ring (ltr) (748) / Poster Foil
Last March of the Ents (ltr) (739) / Poster Foil
The Watcher in the Water (ltr) (734) / Poster Foil
Gandalf the White (ltr) (732) / Poster Foil
Tom Bombadil (ltr) (745) / Poster Foil
Spiteful Banditry (ltr) (738) / Poster Foil
Mount Doom (ltr) (750) / Poster Foil
Sauron, the Dark Lord (ltr) (744) / Poster Foil
Saruman of Many Colors (ltr) (743) / Poster Foil
Dawn of a New Age (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Errand-Rider of Gondor (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Bewitching Leechcraft (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Tale of Tinúviel (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Lost to Legend (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Arwen's Gift (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Reprieve (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Dúnedain Blade (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Soldier of the Grey Host (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Samwise the Stouthearted (ltr) (479) / Showcase Silver Foil
Hobbit's Sting (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
Escape from Orthanc (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil
You Cannot Pass! (ltr) / Showcase Silver Foil