Raise the Palisade (ltc) (425) / Showcase Scrolls
Monstrosity of the Lake (ltc) (424) / Showcase Scrolls
Lossarnach Captain (ltc) (418) / Showcase Scrolls
Arwen, Weaver of Hope (ltc) (437) / Showcase Scrolls
Feasting Hobbit (ltc) (439) / Showcase Scrolls
Grey Host Reinforcements (ltc) (416) / Showcase Scrolls
Assemble the Entmoot (ltc) (438) / Showcase Scrolls
Haldir, Lórien Lieutenant (ltc) (441) / Showcase Scrolls
Gwaihir, Greatest of the Eagles (ltc) (417) / Showcase Scrolls
Champions of Minas Tirith (ltc) (412) / Showcase Scrolls
Call for Aid (ltc) (432) / Showcase Scrolls
Galadhrim Ambush (ltc) (440) / Showcase Scrolls
Rampaging War Mammoth (ltc) (436) / Showcase Scrolls
Gollum, Obsessed Stalker (ltc) (428) / Showcase Scrolls
Orcish Siegemaster (ltc) (435) / Showcase Scrolls
Archivist of Gondor (ltc) (420) / Showcase Scrolls
Windswift Slice (ltc) (447) / Showcase Scrolls
Travel Through Caradhras (ltc) (446) / Showcase Scrolls
Mirkwood Elk (ltc) (443) / Showcase Scrolls
Legolas Greenleaf (ltc) (442) / Showcase Scrolls
Beregond of the Guard (ltc) (411) / Showcase Scrolls
Cavern-Hoard Dragon (ltc) (433) / Showcase Scrolls
Lobelia, Defender of Bag End (ltc) (429) / Showcase Scrolls
Gilraen, Dúnedain Protector (ltc) (415) / Showcase Scrolls
Field-Tested Frying Pan (ltc) (413) / Showcase Scrolls
Prize Pig (ltc) (445) / Showcase Scrolls
Motivated Pony (ltc) (444) / Showcase Scrolls
Rapacious Guest (ltc) (430) / Showcase Scrolls
Trap the Trespassers (ltc) (427) / Showcase Scrolls
Shelob, Dread Weaver (ltc) (431) / Showcase Scrolls
Gimli of the Glittering Caves (ltc) (434) / Showcase Scrolls
Subjugate the Hobbits (ltc) (426) / Showcase Scrolls