Wanted Insurgents (SHD_#167/262)
Wookiee Warrior (Hyperspace) (SHD_#511)
Zuckuss - Bounty Hunter for Hire (Hyperspace) (SHD_#459)
Vigilant Pursuit Craft (SHD_#065/262)
Wanted (Hyperspace) (SHD_#489)
Vambrace Flamethrower (SHD_#177/262)
Zorii Bliss - Valiant Smuggler (Hyperspace) (SHD_#471)
Wookiee Warrior (SHD_#249/262)
Zorii Bliss - Valiant Smuggler (SHD_#203/262)
Unrefusable Offer (SHD_#226/262)
Village Protectors (SHD_#043/262)
Warzone Lieutenant (Hyperspace) (SHD_#379)
Unrefusable Offer (Hyperspace) (SHD_#493)
Unlicensed Headhunter (Hyperspace) (SHD_#434)
Valiant Assault Ship (SHD_#151/262)
Village Protectors (Hyperspace) (SHD_#319)
Wroshyr Tree Tender (Hyperspace) (SHD_#336)
Xanadu Blood - Cad Bane's Reward (Hyperspace) (SHD_#460)
Wrecker - BOOM! (Hyperspace) (SHD_#423)
Val - Loyal to the End (Hyperspace) (SHD_#333)
Valiant Assault Ship (Hyperspace) (SHD_#420)
Wild Rancor (Hyperspace) (SHD_#427)
Warzone Lieutenant (SHD_#110/262)
Vambrace Grappleshot (SHD_#074/262)
Unlicensed Headhunter (SHD_#165/262)
Wild Rancor (SHD_#158/262)
Val - Loyal to the End (SHD_#058/262)
Wanted (SHD_#221/262)
Vambrace Flamethrower (Hyperspace) (SHD_#446)
Underworld Thug (SHD_#257/262)
Wroshyr Tree Tender (SHD_#061/262)
Vambrace Grappleshot (Hyperspace) (SHD_#347)