Godhead of Awe (shm) / Foil
Tattermunge Maniac (shm) / Foil
Puppeteer Clique (shm) / Foil
Elemental Mastery (shm) / Foil
Flourishing Defenses (shm) / Foil
Deus of Calamity (shm) / Foil
Knacksaw Clique (shm) / Foil
Vexing Shusher (shm) / Launch
Cursecatcher (shm)
Prison Term (shm)
Flow of Ideas (shm)
Deepchannel Mentor (shm)
Knacksaw Clique (shm)
Runed Halo (shm)
Greater Auramancy (shm)
Puca's Mischief (shm)
Windbrisk Raptor (shm)
Spectral Procession (shm)
Boon Reflection (shm)
Cerulean Wisps (shm)
Isleback Spawn (shm)
Counterbore (shm)
Savor the Moment (shm)
Furystoke Giant (shm)
Horde of Boggarts (shm)
Crimson Wisps (shm)
Hollowborn Barghest (shm)
Plague of Vermin (shm)
Wound Reflection (shm)
Dusk Urchins (shm)
Elemental Mastery (shm)
Flame Javelin (shm)