Slayer of the Wicked (INR) (39)
Twinblade Geist // Twinblade Invocation (INR) (47)
Drunau Corpse Trawler (INR) (63)
Memory Deluge (INR) (75)
Battleground Geist (INR) (53)
Grizzled Angler // Grisly Anglerfish (INR) (67)
Mausoleum Wanderer (INR) (74)
Valorous Stance (INR) (48)
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration (INR) (60)
Mystic Retrieval (INR) (77)
Deadeye Navigator (INR) (59)
Strength of Arms (INR) (42)
Compelling Deterrence (INR) (57)
Tower Geist (INR) (93)
Soulcipher Board // Cipherbound Spirit (INR) (85)
Archghoul of Thraben (INR) (95)
Haunted Dead (INR) (116)
Syncopate (INR) (89)
Eaten Alive (INR) (106)
Griselbrand (INR) (115)
Indulgent Aristocrat (INR) (118)
Gravecrawler (INR) (114)
Captivating Vampire (INR) (100)
Ecstatic Awakener // Awoken Demon (INR) (107)
Gluttonous Guest (INR) (112)
Crawl from the Cellar (INR) (102)
Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror (INR) (91)
Ghoulish Procession (INR) (110)
Necroduality (INR) (79)
Stitched Mangler (INR) (87)
Heartless Summoning (INR) (117)
Desperate Farmer // Depraved Harvester (INR) (105)