Experimental Lab // Staff Room (DSC) (33)
Redress Fate (DSC) (9)
Gleeful Arsonist (DSC) (27)
They Came from the Pipes (DSC) (14)
Into the Pit (DSC) (20)
Polluted Cistern // Dim Oubliette (DSC) (23)
Spiked Corridor // Torture Pit (DSC) (28)
Zimone's Hypothesis (DSC) (15)
Formless Genesis (DSC) (34)
Demolisher Spawn (DSC) (31)
Shriekwood Devourer (DSC) (35)
Ancient Cellarspawn (DSC) (16)
Suspended Sentence (DSC) (25)
Persistent Constrictor (DSC) (22)
Curator Beastie (DSC) (30)
Demonic Covenant (DSC) (19)
Star Athlete (DSC) (29)
Sadistic Shell Game (DSC) (24)
Glitch Interpreter (DSC) (13)
Soaring Lightbringer (DSC) (11)
Deluge of Doom (DSC) (18)
Ursine Monstrosity (DSC) (36)
Giggling Skitterspike (DSC) (39)
Metamorphosis Fanatic (DSC) (21)
Convert to Slime (DSC) (37)
Cramped Vents // Access Maze (DSC) (17)
Barbflare Gremlin (DSC) (26)
Fear of Sleep Paralysis (DSC) (12)
Secret Arcade // Dusty Parlor (DSC) (10)
Phenomenon Investigators (DSC) (38)
Disorienting Choice (DSC) (32)
Blood Seeker (DSC) (77)