Idris, Soul of the TARDIS (who) (419) / Extended Art Foil
Madame Vastra (who) (425) / Extended Art Foil
Regenerations Restored (who) (435) / Extended Art Foil
Sally Sparrow (who) (439) / Extended Art Foil
Run for Your Life (who) (438) / Extended Art Foil
Ace's Baseball Bat (who) (454) / Extended Art Foil
The Rani (who) (433) / Extended Art Foil
The Fugitive Doctor (who) (417) / Extended Art Foil
The Third Doctor (who) (447) / Extended Art Foil
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (who) (408) / Extended Art Foil
Cybership (who) (458) / Extended Art Foil
The Second Doctor (who) (440) / Extended Art Foil
The Tenth Doctor (who) (446) / Extended Art Foil
Strax, Sontaran Nurse (who) (444) / Extended Art Foil
Bessie, the Doctor's Roadster (who) (455) / Extended Art Foil
Vrestin, Menoptra Leader (who) (451) / Extended Art Foil
Frost Fair Lure Fish (who) (416) / Extended Art Foil
Sergeant John Benton (who) (441) / Extended Art Foil
The First Doctor (who) (414) / Extended Art Foil
The Master, Formed Anew (who) (426) / Extended Art Foil
Cybermen Squadron (who) (457) / Extended Art Foil
The Fifth Doctor (who) (413) / Extended Art Foil
Gallifrey Stands (who) (418) / Extended Art Foil
The Sixth Doctor (who) (443) / Extended Art Foil
River Song (who) (436) / Extended Art Foil
The Eleventh Doctor (who) (411) / Extended Art Foil
Me, the Immortal (who) (430) / Extended Art Foil
Weeping Angel (who) (453) / Extended Art Foil
Sycorax Commander (who) (445) / Extended Art Foil
The Master, Gallifrey's End (who) (427) / Extended Art Foil
Davros, Dalek Creator (who) (407) / Extended Art Foil
As Foretold (who) (469) / Extended Art Foil